January 12, 2010


Almost Finished


A couple of days each week for several weeks I have been working with the tatters from Anand Crafts which is women’s group located in a leprosy colony in Delhi. They were taught tatting, crochet, embroidery and beading by Mrs. Eve Goldsmith an English woman who visited India every six months for 9 years.

Now we are working on Easter and Christmas cards and some personal accessories including necklaces. Coming up next is some new Indian style designs using this old Victorian craft and targeting both local and export markets.

A woman in Australia saw a blog about these tatters written by someone in U.K. and has sent a donation of cotton for their tatting. WoW!!! What a lovely present for the tatters they will be very happy when they get to hear about it and how amazing that news goes fully round the world and bounces right back.


Hard at work!